
Get Out of Your Damn Chair! Stop Choosing Failure.

I don’t want to sit in this uncomfortable chair.
I want to sit on that awesome couch instead.
I wish I was sitting on the couch.
I should go over there.
I might look stupid while I walk to the couch.
What will everyone think if I sit on the couch?
What if it takes me too long to get to the couch?
What if I FAIL at walking to the couch?
OMG I might never get to the couch.
Then I’d have to come back at sit in this chair.
I’d be SUCH a FAILURE if I was sitting in this chair.
I guess I’ll just keep sitting in this chair…
Do you see how that sounds to me when people tell me what they want, but are afraid of failure, so they do nothing? If the worst thing that can happen is you end up in the chair, you are already FAILING. Stop CHOOSING failure. GET OUT OF YOUR DAMN CHAIR.

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