
How Do I Make My 2016 Vision Board & Find My WHY!?

I have made a vision board every year since I started my journey. I have every single one of them. Every time I put my new one up, someone asks me how to do it. Not necessarily how to physically make one, but how to figure out what they even want.

One assignment I do with my new coaches is to ask them a set of questions, to get them thinking about what they want. We also watch a video and really think about why having a WHY even matters. From that list of answers we can then look for images that match up with we want, and turn it into something.

Here are those questions:

Answer the following questions out loud or in writing, NOT in your head:

If you were to accomplish your physical health and fitness dreams…

  • How would your health improve?
  • How would you feel about yourself?
  • What could you do that you can’t do now?
  • What would you look like?
  • Why are these things important to you?
  • What is it costing you right now to NOT have these things?


If you were to accomplish your financial dreams…

  • How would you spend your days?
  • What would you do that you can’t do now?
  • How would your lifestyle change?
  • Where would you live?
  • Why are these things important to you?
  • What is it costing you right now to NOT have these things?


If you had more free time or freedom of choice…

  • What hobbies and interests would you pursue?
  • How would your relationships change?
  • How would you contribute to humanity?
  • What kind of legacy would you leave?
  • Why are these things important to you?.
  • What is it costing you right now to NOT have these things?

One you have this all written out, if you are using this for your career or company, I recommend watching this great video from the author of the book, Start with Why:

You can then go online, to a simple Google image search, and put in search terms that match your ideal life. Save up the images and use a simple office program like Power Point, or use a free online service like Picmonkey.com, or Oprah’s vision board maker: Dream it Alive , to put them all together!


I hope this helps. Feel free to tag  me on Facebook if you post yours publicly, www.FB.com/ars143dac is my personal profile =D

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