
Money Will Never Fill the Void and You Know It.

I am so glad I learned that money is the most important thing in life very early on. It means you’ll have great relationships, lots of fun, a great family, perfect health and no worries. Life is just easy when you make a lot of money.

I am also so glad that I learned that everything I learned early on was complete crap and I was able to unlearn it all before it was too late!!! None of that was true and I learned it the hard way.

If you asked me when I was 16 what my life was going to look like I could describe it in perfect detail. I’d be wearing a suit to work, hair pulled back, make up perfect of course. I’d have a cat, only one, and no one depending on me. My kitchen would have granite counter tops and there would be a title on my corner office door. I was going to be a marketing executive, and I was going to be the best one that every lived.

I have always been incredibly driven. Hard work doesn’t scare me at all and I always had at least 2 jobs since high school. I started working before I can remember, always husslin 😉

I grew up, I got my marketing degree, I got my marketing job, and I got my fancy counter tops and my cat. I was making six figures before I was old enough to legally buy a drink. I balanced full time school, full time work, held every position I could in my business fraternity, got married and partied like it was my last day on earth every weekend.

Here is the thing about life, sometimes you are saved from getting everything you want and you are frustrated you don’t have it. Others, you are given everything you want, just so that you know it’s not the answer. I “had it all” by 25 and gave it all up before I hit 30.

It turned out I never really had anything. I had no purpose, no connection, no self worth and no concept of real love. When I wasn’t working I was drinking, when I wasn’t drinking I was working. If I got free time I had to fill it, I couldn’t just sit there with my own uselessness. ALL of my validation came from how much work I could do and if I wasn’t producing, I wasn’t anything.

I lost my houses in the market crash, I lost my husband to my own hubris, and I lost myself to alcohol and food. All I had left was my work and money, and even that couldn’t get me out of bed any more. Nothing excited me, life was empty.

At 28 I woke the f*ck up.

I realized I had it all wrong and it was time to make some changes. The thing is, I didn’t know what was RIGHT. I had no idea what was important, what I wanted to do, or who I wanted to be.

I just knew it was time to stop slaving away for someone else’s dream and find my own. 5 years later I sit here completely free, happily married, and incredibly fulfilled. One day at a time I have built a life where every single day I now do work that matters.

I have taken all my drive, passion, work ethic, and business savvy that was built out of the wrong motivation, and turned it into something amazing. We now have a community of strong, independent, empowered women that know their own worth from the INSIDE.

We celebrate each other, grow together, laugh and cry together, and most importantly we DREAM together. We are ALIVE.

I don’t know if this hits home for you, but if it does, I’d love to connect. Please reach out amber@creatingadestiny.com =)


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