
5 Ways to Get Back on Track After a Holiday Binge

The Thanksgiving holiday is usually associated with overeating. It’s all about food!

This wouldn’t be so bad, except it’s immediately followed by a 3 day weekend for many people, which means “getting back on track” is left for Monday.

That leaves us 3 extra days of left overs, pie for breakfast, extra treats and general disregard for calories =P

I want to share with you, my top 5 ways, to get back on track after a holiday:

1) Just Say NO to Leftovers! I know this one is hard, but seriously, DO THIS. Let the holiday end when the holiday ends. Don’t take them home, and if you already did, THROW THEM AWAY. You are not obligated to eat food just because it exists.

People say they don’t want to “waste” food, but fat on your body, is the storage of excess, or essentially waste. You can either walk around with the wasted food on your body, or you can waste it in the trash. Only one of those choices helps you feel better, live longer, and reach your goals.

Note: As a pro tip, always throw it away in the outside garbage, so you don’t have to see it and relive the sadness of parting with it. Just move on. Let it go.

2) Water, Water and More Water. Flush the crap out of your system by helping it get back to a normal balance. Skip sugar, soda, alcohol, caffeine, etc and go all in on water for and entire day. You won’t feel a lot better that day, but by the following, you will have done yourself a world of good. Keep it going for 3 days if possible. Remember, the normal daily water goal is 1/2 of your body weight in ounces, so shoot for at least that.

3) Workout FIRST Thing. Yes, first thing in the morning the next day, get moving. This is not only going to help get your digestion going, but it will put you in a proper mindset for a healthier day. You can plan a family activity, like a hike, pop in a DVD at home, or go for a nice long walk. Do this immediately. Don’t let yourself say you’ll do it later, only to have later, be next week, and then next month, and then January 1st.

4) Put On Your Jeans. I know, I know, we live in a leggings world now, jeans are out, stretchy is in. Hear me out though. Do not put on clothes that have tons of give, wiggle room, and comfort, the day after a big food holiday. The reminder that you’re feeling a little bloated, from what you ate the day before, isn’t’ meant to be torture, but it will help keep  you from overdoing your portions, and keeping the poor choices going. When your jeans are snug, there is a lot less incentive to keep the sweets and junk coming, so get up, shower, and get dressed for real.

5) Make Your Meal Plan NOW. Get your mind on your regular routine, and goals, right away. The day after, or even before, the holiday, make your meal plan for next week. Have your shopping list ready, keep to your normal shopping, and food prep, schedule. The goal here is to make sure that your goals are top of mind, not something you’ll “deal with later”. If you let the whole weekend get by you, you will start your week unprepared, and that can lead into an even longer stretch of poor choices. Getting back on track mentally, is the first step to getting there physically!

Don’t know anything about meal planning? You can always head over to www.LearntoMealPlan.com and learn more.

These are pretty simple, but not necessarily easy. They will take some commitment to your priorities, and goals, but they will make a difference if you do them!

*Note: If you are looking for some help getting back on track, please consider joining my Don’t Give in December support group by filling out the form HERE , doing the gentle detox, called the 3 Day Refresh, or just emailing me to chat about your goals at amber@creatingadestiny.com.

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