
Making Choices: I’m Taking the Leap!

I have had some awesome news on my mind since last week, and with the Cancun trip going on, I kept putting off sharing it because I wanted to take the time to put it out properly. I hope you’ll take the time to read my post! I promise it’s worth it!

Most people know that my coaching career provides our full time income. It allows us to continue to pay off the debts I came into the business with, as well as travel, eat organic food, invest in ourselves with personal development and education classes, give to charity consistently and other awesome things. I don’t talk about it much because money talk can freak some people out.

I also think there are some serious lessons that surround it that should be shared anyway! Because I make a strict budget for all our bills and activities, anything big is planned for way in advance, and there are still things we must compromise on to have the life we do. Everyone lives on a budget at some level right?

A few weeks ago I got an amazing bonus for the work I did helping others for the past quarter. In one week, we made way more than I used to make in my best months at the marketing firm. I was able to do to two huge things with the money and just had to share them with my Facebook family.

First, I was able to pay for our wedding videographer. That means we are actually going to have our wedding videos soon!!! It was an amazing day, and the photos were incredible. I absolutely LOVED our cinematographers vision for the work they do and I know the video will be cherished forever. I picked them knowing we’d have to wait to pay them in order to make it all work, and they were cool with it. Instead of saying “I can’t afford it” I said “How CAN I?” and a solution was found. I am SO excited to see it!!!

Second is actually a huge deal for me personally AND professionally. Many of you have seen my recent posts about wanting to become a public speaker. It’s been a dream of mine for years and I have kept shying it off.

After Tony Robbins last month I decided to quit ignoring it and just put it out there to the universe.Once I shared it, I swear I got emails about speaking events, promotions for speaker training, and even this month’s Success Magazine had info on motivational speaking. It was like every freaking sign backed me up to move forward!

Then I got a message from someone I’ve wanted to see for YEARS was actually having his twice yearly event IN San Diego the last weekend we’re in town there on our road trip! I have wanted to go for so long but frankly was being a chicken about not being good enough, and was using money as an excuse. It’s in the thousands of dollars and I am not used to investing in myself at that level. If we “didn’t have the money” it was easier than saying “I’ll probably fail” or “I’m too scared” etc. I’m sure we can all relate there.

I had a huge moment on my hands. I could face the fear and doubt, spend the money even knowing I might be terrible at it, or totally fail and “waste” the money. There was a turning point of who I wanted to be and what I really wanted, and I took the leap!

I don’t share this because I want to talk about the money. I share this because the money we earn helping other people does provide some amazing choices and freedom. We are still getting out of student loan debt, and working on savings, and all that. Our finances aren’t perfect yet, but knowing that we have choices like these: Choices to celebrate our huge moments, make ourselves better, and chase our dreams, means so much to me!

I am still totally nervous for next weekend of course, I know it’s going to be a huge stretch from my comfort zone! Regardless, I’m going to see Bo Eason in just 5 days!!!!!!!!!!

(Edit) I think the biggest point for me is that I may never be a great speaker, I may fail, but I’m going anyway because my dreams are worth exploring. SO ARE YOURS <3

I hope this encourages you to move forward on something. Face a fear, invest in yourself, take the leap. Reach out to me if you are ready to start a path of your own with me at all. There is only one way to grow, only one way to get closer to your goals and dreams <3


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