
Worrying Can Wait

I am so fascinated at my own growth sometimes. One of my biggest issues used to be wanting things to go my way. I needed to control things, know what was going to happen, have a plan, etc. I would get anxiety or anger over things that I only thought were up to me. Turns out nothing really is LOL ;)It is amazing to me how much I do not worry about now. Today I woke up knowing we’d be getting an answer on the place in Austin and I checked my email first thing! Turns out they won’t accept us because they can’t get the current people to leave! I knew it was a good place :p

I normally would have thought about Snow’s job interview next week, what if he gets it, what we were going to do, how can I find and apply for a new place today when we are going to be in the city all day, and probably skipped my workout to figure it all out and been super short with Snow while I stressed.

Instead my first thought was actually feeling bad for the homeowner, that sucks that the people won’t leave, I’m sure they want to get good tenants in there. Then I just thought, okay that wasn’t the house for us. I wonder which one IS our house? Exciting to think about the direction we are being sent. I know the right one will FEEL right 🙂

Still so many possibilities and that is exciting. I know it will work out exactly how it is meant to and I am now headed out for a run before lunch with my Aunt and Uncle, and then a great day at Seafair. Worrying can wait, I have a life to live <3


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