I found out that my two favorite programs of all time went on sale while we were on our honeymoon and I just HAD to post this right away. You may already know about it since I’m late, but they said it’s only while inventory lasts so I hope I got this to you in time!!! … Continue reading My Two Favorite Programs are On Sale – Includes My Pics!
Author: Amber Snow
How Are You Teaching People to Treat You?
Recently I had an interaction that has been on my mind today. For some background, I choose to surround myself only with people who make my life better in some way. They believe in me, see the world in a positive light, see the good in themselves and others, want to do good things with… Continue reading How Are You Teaching People to Treat You?
What are You NOT Doing Right Now?
So I had a profound moment at the dentist earlier today. I mean of course I did right? Leave it to me to find a way to have my mind blown while someone is poking at my teeth with sharp instruments. Now let me start by saying I am so on top of my dental stuff.… Continue reading What are You NOT Doing Right Now?
Are You Giving Your Children the Life You Dreamed You Would?
So often when I interact with (uh or argue with, whatever LOL) Snow, I think about so much more than just us in those moments. I am known for constantly overreacting and saying things like “What if our kids were here?!” in like a bar where you’d never have kids hahaha! Or you know, “How… Continue reading Are You Giving Your Children the Life You Dreamed You Would?
Unexpected Dreams Are the Best Kind
This is Snow and I’s first ever vacation together. We had been on trips but this was the real thing, in the Bahamas and everything!!! This was also the first completely paid for trip that our coaching business sent us on. All expenses paid, $1000 travel bonus cash AND an upgrade with sweet swag. Here… Continue reading Unexpected Dreams Are the Best Kind
Leaders Create More Leaders
I had the most incredible realization last night. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I am finally becoming a leader OF LEADERS. I have always had followers in this journey, yet it has taken years to get myself to the place as a leader that I am attracting other INCREDIBLE LEADERS. Seriously, I… Continue reading Leaders Create More Leaders
Not All Weight Gain is Created Equal
I find this fascinating. I have been home for ONE DAY and I’m already getting rid of the inflammation in my body and getting back in balance with a VISIBLE difference. This pic is our last night in Italy and then just now after my workout. People go on vacation and think they gain a… Continue reading Not All Weight Gain is Created Equal
The Hardest Part of Weight Loss is the Loneliness
One of the hardest things about making a major change in your life is the way it shakes up the relationships around you. You could end up questioning everything your friendships, family relationships, or romantic partnerships, are based on. That’s freaking SCARY. When one person starts to change in a relationship it can leave… Continue reading The Hardest Part of Weight Loss is the Loneliness
Shiny Sliver Box: These are MY Starfish
How many people can I get to stop and read a long post about this shiny box? I feel like people stop for way stranger and less cool things, so I hope it’s a lot This is the box I keep every handwritten thank you letter I’ve gotten from the people I’ve sent through the… Continue reading Shiny Sliver Box: These are MY Starfish
I Dare You to Dream
Okay I just have to stop and tell you a story. Today was amazing. We started out with a private before hours tour of the Vatican city, including the Sistine chapel and the largest church in the whole world, St. Peter’s church if I remember correctly. We did a “moving feast” where we got… Continue reading I Dare You to Dream